Claur Magazine
“The organization provides scholarships for the two-year associate program at the CIA, training and job placement opportunities Every student has a chef mentor and spends time in restaurants within the Jean-Georges group […]”
culinary institute of america
“By investing in culinary students and the community around them, Food Dreams will expose students to some of the world’s top restaurants, extending life-changing opportunities. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of students and the culinary industry as a whole.[…]”
Alumni of the foundation
downtown magazine, nyc
“Family, education, philanthropy and dreams [were] our core values when we first decided to create the Food Dreams Foundation. We want to give back and help students to pursue their dreams in the culinary world, while being a family project and having fun with it.[…]”
“L’idée est de dénicher des jeunes qui sont vraiment passionnés par la cuisine, et les aider à financer des études qui sont très chères ici”, explique le chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten basé à New York.[…]”
french morning, nyc
“Les bourses attribuées par “Food Dreams” permettront de financer deux ans de formation au sein du prestigieux Culinary Institute of America, avant de faire un an de stage dans les restaurants de Jean-Georges Vongerichten un peu partout à travers le monde. A l’issue de cette formation, ils se verront offrir un job au sein d’un des quelque trente restaurants du groupe.[…]”
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